An intricately detailed contemporary wallpaper design, influenced by the Art Deco movement. This design marries soft, organic and aquatic patterns with hard edged, geometric, Art Deco elements. Combined with a scalloped arrangement and subtle colors, it becomes reminiscent of an ornately feathered bird.
Sản phẩm quốc tế, thời gian giao hàng đến quý khách dự kiến từ Thứ tư (11/12/2024) đến Thứ tư (18/12/2024).
1.356.300đ/ m2
1.032.900đ/ m2
449.900đ/ m2
449.900đ/ m2
517.000đ/ m2
517.000đ/ m2
517.000đ/ m2
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